
Showing posts from June, 2023

Power BI Bookmark

  What is Bookmark? Bookmarks is a feature in Power BI that allows users to store a specific view of a report page. This capability is incredibly beneficial in improving the user experience of navigating a report or opening possibilities for adding additional depth to a report. How to Create a Reset Button Bookmark           From the menu Select View and then Select Bookmarks .         2.  Select the +Add Button to Create a Bookmark.                        3.   Now Bookmark 1 has been created.                        4  .    You can select the Reset Button and open Format Setting. -           Select Action Format -           Select Type in Bookmark -           And Bookmark in select Bookmark 1              5.       Now you can check the Reset Button using Press Ctrl and Clicking Reset Button.           Bookmark Modifying: When you add a bookmark, you have a few options for changing its behavior. By right-clicking the bookmark, we may access a context menu with these o