
Showing posts from March, 2023

AUDIENCE TARGETING: How to Reach Your Ideal Visitors

  From a permission management standpoint, you want to make sure your content is getting access by the right people. Audience targeting is the key to achieving that. By using audience targeting, you can tailor your content and permission to the specific needs and interests of different groups of people.                   What is Audience Targeting? Audience targeting is the process of identifying and selecting specific groups of people based on their demographics, interests, behavior, or other characteristics. Once you have identified your target audience, you can create content and messaging that speaks directly to them, using language and imagery that resonates with their interests and needs.           Which OOTB web parts support Audience Targeting ? SharePoint Online provides several OOTB web parts that support audience targeting. These include:              How to enable and set up Audience Targeting in web parts? Enabling and setting up audience targeting in web parts is easy