
Showing posts from July, 2023

Microsoft Power Pages and Portals

  3 Key Differences Between Power Portals and Power Pages Power Pages and Power Portals are both Microsoft tools used for  creating and managing  external business websites. Power Pages is an evolution of Power Portals (often referred to as Portals), designed to add more out-of-the-box functionality and customization options. Explained below are the major differences between the two, so you can select the right tool for your business needs. 1. Coding Complexity One of the main differences between the two tools is that  Power Pages is low-code , meaning that users can create and customize websites without having to write complex code. Portals, on the other hand, require users to have experience with HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and Liquid templates to create and customize websites. 2. License and Usability One advantage of using Power Pages is that it requires only an additional license or activation of a 30-day trial, while Portals require the Portal creation option to be enabled for the