
Showing posts from May, 2023

How you can build trust once broken from client

  Trust is the foundation of any successful relationship, and this is especially true in the information technology service sector where clients rely on service providers to keep their sensitive information secure. Unfortunately, trust can sometimes be broken, and once it is, it can be challenging to repair. However, it is not impossible. In this article, we will explore some strategies that you can use to build trust once it has been broken with a client in the service sector. ·          Acknowledge the breach of trust The first step to rebuilding trust is to acknowledge that it has been broken. This means taking responsibility for any mistakes or failures on your part and being transparent about what happened. It is essential to be honest with your client about what went wrong, how it happened, and what you are doing to prevent it from happening again. ·         Apologize Once you have acknowledged the breach of trust, the next step is to apologize. A sincere apology can go a lon

Calling the SharpSpring API in .NET and posting the data to SharePoint List

  Your application can connect to Lead Gen & CRM's internal CRM functionality via the API that is provided by SharpSpring Lead Gen & CRM. Through the use of .NET, I want to share data between SharpSpring and a SharePoint list, and vice versa. I want to use the API in Dot-NET. However, SharpSpring Lead Gen & CRM only provides PHP-based API examples. In this article, I will explain how to use the SharpSpring APIs in .NET and how to share data between SharpSpring and SharePoint. Follow the steps below:   First, navigate to this site:   Then, Click on Understanding Lead Gen & CRM Open API: Methods     There are various methods for the SharpSpring Lead Gen & CRM Open API. I have used the “get           opportunities” method as demonstrated below:   Step 1:  Open the SharpSpring portal and get the Opportunity id   After selecting the opportunity, a form is opened with the opportunity ID. I will share this