
Showing posts from December, 2022

Custom attribute in the Azure Active Directory

  Problem statement   We are managing the data of BirthDate, HireDate and other custom attribute for Users in the SharePoint User Profile and checked the data added to User Profile are not available in the Azure Active Directory user’s profile. Also, we are using Azure AD for managing all other information of users. So, is there any way to get that data to Azure AD or manage that fields in the Azure AD? If we want to manage data for fields like BirthDate, HireDate or Hobbies etc. which are not available as inbuild properties in the Azure Active Directory then what will be the approach. Also, we must use only Azure AD to manage the user information and do not want to use the user profile to manage the information of users. Solution The data from the SharePoint User Profile is not synced with the Azure Active Directory. So, you will not get the BirthDate, HireDate and other custom attributes in the Azure AD.   To manage the extra fields BirthDate, HireDate and other custom a